
Average yield of wheat in India is 56% lower than Germany in 2020

CACP states that yield levels in India for most of the rabi crops are low The average yield of wheat…

Average market prices of rapeseed-mustard in India over 28% higher than MSP in 2022-23 Rabi Marketing Season

Market rates of rapeseed-mustard remained below the MSP till 2020-21 RMS The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) has…

Government buying of gram in India jumps four times during 2022-23 rabi marketing season

There is no procurement of lentil during the same period The procurement of chana (gram) by the government agencies in…

Wheat had highest average gross returns over cost of cultivation in 2020-21 rabi marketing season

Returns for wheat in India were highest in Haryana Wheat had the highest average gross returns over the cost of…

Barley has lowest projected cost of production in India for RMS 2023-24

The projected comprehensive or C2 COP for wheat is Rs 1,575 per quintal The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices…

Market prices of kharif pulses in India remained below MSP in KMS 2021-22

Output of kharif pulses in 2021-22 estimated to be 12% lower than target of 9.82 million tonnes Farming Cosmos Market…

India’s basmati rice export value drops 11.51%, quantity by 14.76% in FY 2021-22

Iran emerged as the biggest importer of the Indian long-grained, aromatic rice Farming Cosmos market report: India’s basmati rice exports…

PAU invites applications for innovative farmer awards

Farmers to be honoured during the Kisan Mela in Sept 2022 The Directorate of Extension Education of Punjab Agricultural University…

Paddy MSP increased by Rs 100 per quintal, sesamum by Rs 523

Oilseeds, pulses have got the biggest hike in support price The minimum support price (MSP) of oilseeds and pulses has…

Deworming programme for dairy animals

Medicines for internal parasites should be given twice a year Deworming is the process of giving anthelmintic drugs to animals…