PAU’s modified wheat variety PBW 803 approved for cultivation

The new wheat strain has higher yield than HD 3086

The hugely-popular wheat variety HD 3086, released for cultivation during 2015 that was prone to attack by yellow rust, got a new lease of life following rigorous research by the scientists of the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana who developed its modified version named PBW 803.

The variety was approved for cultivation by the Central Sub-Committee chaired by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Deputy Director General T R Sharma. PBW 803 can withstand brown rust completely and yellow rust moderately.

Its average height is 100 cm and takes 151 days to mature. In research and adaptive experiments, PBW 803 yielded 5% higher yield than HD 3086. This type is suitable for areas cultivating long-duration paddy varieties as due to high temperature during ripening of wheat in these areas, the yield of other varieties is less but this variety forms coarse grains.

This variety is suitable for general conditions as well as for saline/brackish water and calcareous soils and is available at PAU’s research centres, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), Farm Advisory Service Centres (FASCs) and seed farms located in various districts of Punjab.

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