Bajra had lowest projected cost of production in KMS 2022-23

Projected yields of millets much lower than paddy, maize

Among the cereal crops, bajra (pearl millet) had the lowest projected cost of production (CoP) for the kharif (summer-sown) marketing season (KMS) 2022-23. The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) had calculated CoP kharif crops of India for the KMS 2022-23. However, the projected yields for millets, also called nutri-cereals, were significantly lower than two major kharif cereal crops paddy and maize.

As per the CACP calculations, the cost of production (COP) of crops includes A2 (actual paid out cost), A2+FL (actual paid out cost plus imputed value of family labour) and C2 [comprehensive cost including rental value of own land [net of land revenue and interest on value of own fixed capital assets (excluding land)]. The commission takes the state-wise actual cost estimates to project the COP for each crop.

The lowest projected C2 COP (A2, A2+FL and C2) for the 2022-23 KMS season for nutri-cereals has been calculated for bajra at Rs 1,684 per quintal (1 quintal=100kg). For jowar, the projected C2 COP is Rs 2,676 per quintal. The projected C2 COP for ragi (finger millet) is Rs 3,198 per quintal.

The MSP for bajra for the KMS 2022-23 is Rs 2,350 per quintal and Rs 2,970 and Rs 2,990 per quintal for jowar (hybrid) and jowar (maldandi) respectively. MSP for ragi for the KMS 2022-23 is Rs 3,578 per quintal.

The CACP had calculated the projected yields for the nutri-cereals at 13.22 quintals per hectare for jowar, 16.94 quintals for bajra ad 18.90 quintals per hectare for ragi.

Among other kharif cereal crops, the projected CoP for paddy and maize for KMS 2022-23 was Rs 1,805 per quintal and Rs 1,713 per quintal respectively. The projected yields for paddy and maize for the 2022-23 kharif season were 43.38 quintals per hectare and 35.13 quintals per hectare respectively.

All-India projected cost of production of kharif cereal crops and MSP for KMS 2022-23

Crop Cost of production for RMS 2021-22 (Rs per quintal) MSP for 2022-23 (Rs per quintal) Projected yield (quintals/hectare)
*A2 **A2+FL #C2
Jowar (Hybrid) 1,476 1,977 2,676 2,970 13.22
Jowar (Maldandi) 2,990
Bajra 737 1,268 1,684 2,350 16.94
Ragi 1,690 2,385 3,198 3,578 18.90
Paddy (Grade A) 1,052 1,360 1,805 2,060 43.38
Paddy (Common) 2,040
Maize 1,007 1,308 1,713 1,962 35.13

Source: CACP calculations

* A2: Actual paid out cost

** A2+FL: Actual paid out cost plus imputed value of family labour

# C2: Comprehensive Cost including rental value of own land [net of land revenue and interest on value of own fixed capital assets (excluding land)]

Note: All-India cost of production of a crop is the weighted average of CoPs of projected states

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