गन्ने की किस्म सीओएच 160 हरियाणा में बुवाई के लिए अधिसूचित
भारत सरकार की फसल मानक, अधिसूचना एवं अनुमोदन केंद्रीय उप-समिति ने उच्च शर्करा और जल्दी पकने वाली गन्ने कि किस्म…
Bed plantation method of sowing cotton
For the past 4-5 years, farmers in the cotton belt of Malwa region in Punjab and parts of Haryana have…
Big hike in MSP of kharif oilseeds, pulses!
There has been a big hike in the minimum support price (MSP) of oilseeds and pulses, which was announced by…
New variety Punjab Basmati 7
The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, has developed a new variety — Punjab Basmati 7 — that is being cultivated…
DSR technique of sowing paddy
Rice was seeded directly in about one-fifth of total area under rice in Punjab in 2020. DSR saves about 15-20%…